Thursday, November 1, 2012

A chapter has ended.

Goodbyes are always tough.  The hardest part is generally when it's all happening.  Oddly enough, even when you know it's for the best, in the heat of the moment, your blood starts to rush and everything feels out of place.

And then, just like that, it's over...  Life keeps moving forward.  

So, today I closed the door to one life experience, only to realize that I get to open a new one!  

I began my journey at CrossFit Champions about one year and one week or so ago.  I can not begin to describe how much my life has changed since last October.  

I can't imagine my life without CrossFit and it's community.  

Then, becoming a CrossFit coach took me one step further and showed me passion and desire I never knew I had.  Helping people become stronger, and healthier both physically and emotionally is up there with the perks you get as a mom when your child first learns how to walk, talk, run...  You helped with that.  You played a part, however big or small, in helping that person or people grow into people they want to be!

Unfortunately, today, CrossFit at CFC became a thing of the past. 

I can't sit here and tell you that it hasn't been a tough day... that would be a lie.  It's been a struggle.  But as with all negative situations, you must put them behind you and know when to just look straight ahead and ask yourself, 

What's Next?

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