Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Staying active

I love the fact that my kids understand words like fit, healthy, strong, natural...

Last week, Moore Elementary School put on their yearly Boosterthon Fun Run.  This is where the entire school of kids get together, by grade and set a goal to run 35 laps!

There are plenty of volunteers checking off the back of their shirts each lap completed.  There is music playing that kids can sing along to or even mimic guitar playing!!  My kids participated and had a blast!  They all reached their goal of 35 laps and SURPASSED it!  (You think CrossFit kids with Coach Matt at CFC has something to do with it??)

 The students stretched beforehand and were directed to the water booth if they were thirsty.

What was even more awesome is that Luca came to help out and so, this became a family event! 


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