Sunday, October 7, 2012


I woke up at 4:30 Friday morning and jumped in the shower.  Then, I got dressed and headed out the door to teach one of my personal training clients at CrossFit Champions.  A blank slate.  That's what every morning is when I get out of bed.  The start of a new day.  The beginning of something new and better.  The potential to do anything; to change anything.  OR it can be just another same old, same old.  Essentially, it's UP TO ME.

Friday, I PR'ed at my split jerk by 20 pounds!!! Outstanding!  I couldn't have done it without my fellow CFC staff members, though.  My coach/friend, Matt Munson posted a video on Facebook because we were THAT proud. Click below to see the video.

Friday afternoon was fun-filled and C-R-A-Z-Y!!! SUPER COOL way to start the weekend...

First, we introduced a new tradition: CFC Staff only WOD!  Totally AWESOME.  What a beautiful way to unite the coaches!  (I can totally see our competitive natures coming out in the near future, too)  

Then, CFC had a 24-day AdvoCare Challenge finale.  Results were through the roof...  Athletes and staff shared plenty of blood, sweat and laughs!  

Saturday morning was a breath of fresh air!  Staff meeting was invigorating.  CFC free Saturday was booming.  Last day of the 24-day Challenge was a success! 

And relax time... or so I thought... As I walk out of CFC, I get a fb message from CF Cypress that there is a spot that opened up for the Oly Weightlifting Clinic with Ursula Garza!!!!  NO WAY!!! 

After three hours with Ursula... I jumped in my car and raced home to sign up for the Oly Cert in March in Austin with Ursula!!! I can not believe how much I learned about the SNATCH this weekend between my coach, Matt Munson and Ursula Garza, a Level 5 Olympic Weighlifting Coach.  WOW!!!!!!

And at the end of all that, it was incredibly comforting to sit down and relax with my amazing family of 8!! (My husband; Kevin, my gorgeous kids; Jonathan, Maria, Kora, Luca and my totally "can't live without" dogs; Izzy & Leia....

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