Monday, October 29, 2012

Oktoberfest Obliteration IV

Oktoberfest Obliteration is a CrossFit competition created by Matt & Pam Munson.  It started in 2009 when there really weren't many local competitions around.  There were 78 male and female competitors, as well as, 9-3 person co-ed teams. 

In 2012, OOlV (Oktoberfest Obliteration lV) there were a total of approximately 390 athletes who competed which included 44-4 person co-ed teams.  

Oktoberfest Obliteration which began as something small is now something widely talked about.  Amazing.  WOW!

...and I got to be a part of it this year!  OOIV is the 3rd CrossFit competition I competed in this year, but definitely the biggest and craziest!  October 20th, 2012 will most definitely be a day remembered in my books.

There were a total of 6 WOD's that day.  The first for me was AMRAP Madness which consisted of 3 WOD's: 3 minutes, 6 minutes and 9 minutes with 1 minute rest in between.  I was pumped to do the first of the 3: deadlifts & lateral burpees.  I am pretty confident about my ability to do those movements and so, all I could say was, "Bring it!".  The second WOD was kettlbell swings and weighted abmat situps.  Again, two movements that I consider myself to be pretty quick and efficient at; "YES!".  The third and last workout of this WOD Madness consisted of jumping squats (CHECK), pushups (OK), and lastly, kipping pull-ups (UH-OH)...

If I rewind a little, I'll quickly update you on the status of me and pullups.  Well, I don't do them without a band.  Or, so I didn't.  Yah, I have tried one here and there, and I have been getting stronger with the goal of attaining this movement, but the red band had become a crutch during regular daily WOD's and unforunately, I was OK with that.  BUT, that was NOT acceptable for this WOD.  CRAP.  

Four days before OOIV, Matt Ledbetter and I practiced my kipping pull-ups... End result: failure.  Maybe it was because I didn't warm up; perhaps it's because I had dropped by to pick up my Yonder Way Farm order & I wasn't focused... 

Two days later, I tried again and this time, Matt M. and I agreed that I would be just fine - the idea was "one by one".  Ultimately, my kip needed work, but I was getting my chin over the bar.

The day of the event,  I was nervous.  My husband competed in scaled, too - so, we were both up and ready to begin the day before 5am.  Every minute from the moment I woke up, I was worried about those darn kipping pull-ups.  What's worse, I was the last heat - heat#8 and so, my first WOD of the day was at 11am... Holy schmoly! 

The above video clip is basically my 2nd round of the 3rd WOD in AMRAP MADNESS.  And without going on and on about how I wish I had done this and not done that..  I ROCKED.  Bottom line is that I had never ever done kipping pull-ups in a WOD before OOIV and on October 20th, 2012, I did a total of 24 kipping pull-ups!

Enough said.

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