Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Just a little bit crazy!

Working mothers:  refers to women who are mothers and who work outside the home for income in addition to the work they perform at home in raising their children.                                                                                                Copyright © 2012 Answers Corporation

Personal trainer:  A fitness professional involved in exercise prescription and instruction. They motivate clients by setting goals and providing feedback and accountability to clients.
  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia    
Somewhere from when I was approached to be a CrossFit Trainer for CFC to today,
I have become a working mom of four children under the age of 7. 
*****Deep breath*****

That being said, in the last few weeks, I have most definitely won "The Worst Mom on the Planet" award,
"The OOPS! I completely forgot" award amongst many others... 
And the one common phrase I'm hearing from people around me is, "Don't worry, you'll find a rhythm." 

How does one find a balance?  That is the question of the month. 

I absolutely LOVE CrossFit and the opportunity I have been given to teach others, CrossFit. 
I absolutely am IN LOVE with my children and our family.  Sounds like it should be easy...
yet, I constantly feeling like I'm cheating on one when I'm with the other?!?!?!? 

There's also the new work load.  I'm working on that. 
Trying to find the "right" times to check and answer work emails while finding time to do the laundry
and other household chores.

OK, so while all that is going on in my head...
For the first time in my life, I am helping people turn their lives around,
I am creating WOD's, I am up late reading about information that can help my athlete(s). 
I'm talking to grown ups, people!! .. and they're listening!!!!

So...   Just a little bit Crazy?  I think this word is a slight understatement
to how I have been feeling...  And are these crazy vibes simply out of this world
FUN, inspiring, ExCiTiNg & invigorating???      ......YES!!

Who do I have to thank? Well, CFC, of course!!

Oh and there's more...  We start a gym wide challenge at CrossFit Champions
next week and I am stoked.  We are using ADVOCARE supplements to steer us
through...  I've already tried a few of their products and I'm sold...
Can't wait to see how it all pans out...

P.S. It's not always easy.  If I said that, I would be lying...

Monday, May 14, 2012

First day

What can I say?  My day actually started off on the wrong foot. 

I woke up at 4am psyched for my very first work day to start, but if the powers at be ever decided to give me a run for my money, it was today. 

I still can't tell you why I felt sick the way I did although there are a few ideas lingering around, or why I lost consciousness in my bathroom...  but all the while (as my husband is talking about calling an ambulance) I keep insisting that I MUST get to work!  I mean, geez, it was my FIRST day!

Nonetheless, I missed most of the 5am class I shadow every Monday-Wednesday-Friday but I successfully made it through my 6am elements class.  (Nobody has actually made a comment on whether or not I did good, bad or just OK, but I'm taking the silence as a positive comment).  And more than that, I feel great about it's progression/outcome. 

My 10am elements class was just as successful, in my opinion.  Actually, better, I think.  I was more relaxed and less feeling the side effects of a simply OFF morning. 

Doing my 9:30am WOD helped, too.  I was very apprehensive about pushing myself after the miseries of my morning, but as usual, Matt helped me through it and I persevered!!  I scaled the workout and slowed down my pace, not too concerned with my time and it went better than I expected.

You know... I can get used to this new me!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

New sport, new blog, new me, just NEW...

OK, I'm not quite sure how to start a blog... so bare with me some as I get comfortable... Then again, isn't that the way it goes with everything in life when it's "new"? 

In the last year, I have experienced so many "new" things it's hard to believe how well I'm adjusting to it all!  But I want to focus on the most exciting change in my life, since the birth of my fourth and last child.

About 9 months ago, I was introduced to something called Cross Fit and it blew me away, literally.  There's no doubt that I have always been athletic and interested in being healthy, but throughout the years there have always been excuses or "reasons", as I preferred saying, to why I would stop or slow down or something...

Since October, SOOO much has happened.  I've fallen in love again (the first time being when I laid eyes on my husband about 11 years ago) and I'm in the best physical shape I have ever been!  Actually,  I can honestly say that I have never felt better (or looked better). 

So what else?  What about a job where you get to do what you love to do and get paid for it???  That has happened to me! Yes, I was given an amazing opportunity.  About two months ago, I started a mentor ship program at CrossFit Champions to become a Cross Fit trainer and Monday, this Monday I will teach my very first FIVE clients!  Not 1, not 2, not even 3, but 5.  I can't quite explain what a feeling that is except by jumping up and down yelling "WOOHOO!!" with a big smile from ear to ear.

Cross your fingers that I survive through this first week with little humiliation.  I know all eyes and ears will be on me.

I'll keep you posted... 

Oh and this is me!