Monday, May 14, 2012

First day

What can I say?  My day actually started off on the wrong foot. 

I woke up at 4am psyched for my very first work day to start, but if the powers at be ever decided to give me a run for my money, it was today. 

I still can't tell you why I felt sick the way I did although there are a few ideas lingering around, or why I lost consciousness in my bathroom...  but all the while (as my husband is talking about calling an ambulance) I keep insisting that I MUST get to work!  I mean, geez, it was my FIRST day!

Nonetheless, I missed most of the 5am class I shadow every Monday-Wednesday-Friday but I successfully made it through my 6am elements class.  (Nobody has actually made a comment on whether or not I did good, bad or just OK, but I'm taking the silence as a positive comment).  And more than that, I feel great about it's progression/outcome. 

My 10am elements class was just as successful, in my opinion.  Actually, better, I think.  I was more relaxed and less feeling the side effects of a simply OFF morning. 

Doing my 9:30am WOD helped, too.  I was very apprehensive about pushing myself after the miseries of my morning, but as usual, Matt helped me through it and I persevered!!  I scaled the workout and slowed down my pace, not too concerned with my time and it went better than I expected.

You know... I can get used to this new me!

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