Thursday, August 30, 2012

The results are in!

Change  /CHanj
Verb:     Make or become different. To transform.

Throughout the summer, I have had a handful of my athletes chose to participate in the AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge.  Overall, the results have been hard to believe; Weight loss has been substantial, body fat has melted away, inches have been lost and overall performance results have been astoundingly BETTER.

The first of my athletes to join the 24-Day Challenge was Cynthia Burris.  What can I say about Cynthia... Cynthia participated in the CFC Gym Wide 24-Day AdvoCare Challenge which started up in early June, days after I began running my own 5am class.  When I spoke with Cynthia via email she explained that she was still trying to lose unwanted baby weight and that she needed to look good in a bikini for her cruise she was taking in July with her husband.

BEFORE                                                                             AFTER

Cynthia's Results:

In just 24 days....

Weight lost: 9lbs
Body fat lost: 10%

I entered into the 24 day challenge optimistic and mentally prepared to have results on Day 24.  Physically; I was, I could hang with the typical CF WOD but that was exactly what I was doing...just hangin...  The 24 day challenge supplements, a paleo diet, all coupled with a super attentive CF trainer, Denise, and I was super PUMPED, as Shannan said one day "She felt like she needed to smash pumpkins !!!"  I, too, felt that same exhilaration and new found energy, all that led to a 9lb weight loss and over 10% body fat loss!  I felt faster and stronger each time I worked out.  The 24 day challenge kick started me into a "zone" that is still propelling me till this very day- sometimes we need a swift kick in the a$$ to make one completely re-evaluate your health habits, and I have been HAPPY to make those changes.  Yee- Haw y'all !!   ~ Cynthia Burris

(& pregnant)

Meet the Pontigo's!!

Kelly & Tony Pontigo have been at CrossFit Champions since June.  When they first started with us the Pontigo's were a typical American couple who didn't pay attention to how the foods they ate made them feel.  A few weeks ago, they approached me about doing the 24-Day AdvoCare Challenge.  They both agreed that they needed to make a change and they were ready to take the next step.  They had attended a CFC Nutrition Clinic and seemed pretty confident that they could do what was necessary to succeed in turning their lives around for the best!  

In just 24 days...  THEY DID!


Kelly's Results:

Weight lost: 9lbs
Body fat lost: 4.1%
Inches lost: 2
Performance 1:39 faster

Tony's Results:

Weight lost: 9.4 lbs
Body fat lost: 2.5%
Inches lost: 2 
Performance 2:26 faster

This wasn't just a 24-day thing, but a lifestyle change...  ~Kelly Pontigo

Aarika Reyna - College basketball extraordinaire!

Aarika joined CFC to keep active throughout the summer while keeping up with basketball drills getting ready for College ball in the fall.  When the first gym-wide Challenge came around at CrossFit Champions, Aarika was extremely hesitant due to a very strict anti-doping list that she has to follow.  As the month of July came and went, Aarika was getting hungry for a big BANG! before heading to school.  We decided to check out the Informed Choice website (a Product Certification Program) and do a once over with her b-ball coach and it was a GO!

My running has improved tremendously.  I can actually breathe when I'm done with sprints and I'm faster, noticeably faster.  I couldn't be happier!  ~Aarika Reyna

Aarika's Results:
Weight lost: 4lbs
Body fat lost: 6%
Inches lost: 1.75
Performance 3:42 faster!!!

Carol Fatheree

Last but not least, I've got one more athlete that just finished Day 24 of the Challenge.  Friday is the BIG DAY...  Carol will be doing her "AFTER" WOD and taking her final measurements.  I am overwhelmed with anticipation!  Carol has been crossfitting on/off with CFC for quite sometime now and follows a Paleo lifestyle.  Looking forward to her final results.  In the last three weeks, Carol has reached Personal Records on several occasions!  I bet Carol's results will be mind-blowing, as well.  I'll keep you posted.

...Personal achievement starts in the mind of the individual.  The first step is to know exactly what your goal or desire is...


CFC  is officially announcing our 2nd, gym wide, 24-Day Challenge.  Perfect timing too, right??  The kids are back in school, schedules are back to normal - so, it's time to get back into the routine of regular training and focused nutrition!  The best thing is... YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A CFC ATHLETE TO PARTICIPATE!

So, check it out!  Go to  

Kick-Off: Friday, Sept.7th or Saturday, Sept. 8th
Challenge dates: Monday, Sept. 10th - Wednesday, Oct. 3rd
Finale: friday, Oct.5th or Saturday, Oct.6th

Some of the original 5am Vanguards

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