Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New Year 2013


It has been too long... But honestly, I kinda took a break from all of it.  In the last 3 months, I have spent a lot of time evaluating, re-evaluating and making things right in my life with my family, friends and above all, with myself.

You know what?  I'm happy with where I turned out...  

Christmas day 2012 in New Jersey

For now, I'm off to prep for dinner but, I promise I will return soon with some cool stuff to talk about.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

A chapter has ended.

Goodbyes are always tough.  The hardest part is generally when it's all happening.  Oddly enough, even when you know it's for the best, in the heat of the moment, your blood starts to rush and everything feels out of place.

And then, just like that, it's over...  Life keeps moving forward.  

So, today I closed the door to one life experience, only to realize that I get to open a new one!  

I began my journey at CrossFit Champions about one year and one week or so ago.  I can not begin to describe how much my life has changed since last October.  

I can't imagine my life without CrossFit and it's community.  

Then, becoming a CrossFit coach took me one step further and showed me passion and desire I never knew I had.  Helping people become stronger, and healthier both physically and emotionally is up there with the perks you get as a mom when your child first learns how to walk, talk, run...  You helped with that.  You played a part, however big or small, in helping that person or people grow into people they want to be!

Unfortunately, today, CrossFit at CFC became a thing of the past. 

I can't sit here and tell you that it hasn't been a tough day... that would be a lie.  It's been a struggle.  But as with all negative situations, you must put them behind you and know when to just look straight ahead and ask yourself, 

What's Next?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Staying active

I love the fact that my kids understand words like fit, healthy, strong, natural...

Last week, Moore Elementary School put on their yearly Boosterthon Fun Run.  This is where the entire school of kids get together, by grade and set a goal to run 35 laps!

There are plenty of volunteers checking off the back of their shirts each lap completed.  There is music playing that kids can sing along to or even mimic guitar playing!!  My kids participated and had a blast!  They all reached their goal of 35 laps and SURPASSED it!  (You think CrossFit kids with Coach Matt at CFC has something to do with it??)

 The students stretched beforehand and were directed to the water booth if they were thirsty.

What was even more awesome is that Luca came to help out and so, this became a family event! 


Monday, October 29, 2012

Oktoberfest Obliteration IV

Oktoberfest Obliteration is a CrossFit competition created by Matt & Pam Munson.  It started in 2009 when there really weren't many local competitions around.  There were 78 male and female competitors, as well as, 9-3 person co-ed teams. 

In 2012, OOlV (Oktoberfest Obliteration lV) there were a total of approximately 390 athletes who competed which included 44-4 person co-ed teams.  

Oktoberfest Obliteration which began as something small is now something widely talked about.  Amazing.  WOW!

...and I got to be a part of it this year!  OOIV is the 3rd CrossFit competition I competed in this year, but definitely the biggest and craziest!  October 20th, 2012 will most definitely be a day remembered in my books.

There were a total of 6 WOD's that day.  The first for me was AMRAP Madness which consisted of 3 WOD's: 3 minutes, 6 minutes and 9 minutes with 1 minute rest in between.  I was pumped to do the first of the 3: deadlifts & lateral burpees.  I am pretty confident about my ability to do those movements and so, all I could say was, "Bring it!".  The second WOD was kettlbell swings and weighted abmat situps.  Again, two movements that I consider myself to be pretty quick and efficient at; "YES!".  The third and last workout of this WOD Madness consisted of jumping squats (CHECK), pushups (OK), and lastly, kipping pull-ups (UH-OH)...

If I rewind a little, I'll quickly update you on the status of me and pullups.  Well, I don't do them without a band.  Or, so I didn't.  Yah, I have tried one here and there, and I have been getting stronger with the goal of attaining this movement, but the red band had become a crutch during regular daily WOD's and unforunately, I was OK with that.  BUT, that was NOT acceptable for this WOD.  CRAP.  

Four days before OOIV, Matt Ledbetter and I practiced my kipping pull-ups... End result: failure.  Maybe it was because I didn't warm up; perhaps it's because I had dropped by to pick up my Yonder Way Farm order & I wasn't focused... 

Two days later, I tried again and this time, Matt M. and I agreed that I would be just fine - the idea was "one by one".  Ultimately, my kip needed work, but I was getting my chin over the bar.

The day of the event,  I was nervous.  My husband competed in scaled, too - so, we were both up and ready to begin the day before 5am.  Every minute from the moment I woke up, I was worried about those darn kipping pull-ups.  What's worse, I was the last heat - heat#8 and so, my first WOD of the day was at 11am... Holy schmoly! 

The above video clip is basically my 2nd round of the 3rd WOD in AMRAP MADNESS.  And without going on and on about how I wish I had done this and not done that..  I ROCKED.  Bottom line is that I had never ever done kipping pull-ups in a WOD before OOIV and on October 20th, 2012, I did a total of 24 kipping pull-ups!

Enough said.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Inspired by Matt Munson's blog post from yesterday titled "My Love"....

My husband, Kevin, and I will be married 10 years this November.  Kevin and I met one summer on the Jersey shore.  Although, across the bridge was where he called home, I was travelling from Montreal, Canada.  To this day, we know it was meant to be... 

So, when we visited the priest in the weeks before our wedding day, we were asked a series of questions in regards to marriage, children, love, etc.  One of the questions he asked us was if we intended on having children.  Of course, I said yes.  I always knew I wanted to get married and have children.  To me, everything else was secondary.

So, from that day forward, I knew that being a "momma" is all I wanted to be in this lifetime!  ...and not just any regular mom, but a SUPER mom.  A mother like we read about in books - THE BEST MOM EVER.

Jonathan Julius was our first to be born.  Fifteen months later, we had our twin girls, Maria Antonietta & Kora Denise.  Three years after that, we were blessed with our youngest boy, Luca Alexander.  We knew then that we were complete!  We're a big family (and we've actually added two more members since then, lol - our dogs, Izzy and Leia), but we couldn't imagine our lives any other way than LOUD and CROWDED!!! 

In the last seven and a half years, I have done everything in my power to care for my children.  I have given them anything they have ever needed.  I have put them on the TOP of my list and continue to do so.  I hug, kiss, and love on them every single day.  I tell them "I love you" every opportunity I have.  I remember, as babies, I would actually cancel appointments, etc if my kids were asleep to not interfere with their sleep.  I read and sing to my children almost every single night and I help them to grow and flourish as people to the best of my abilities.  WHOA! 

On our wedding day, I made an oath to my husband - I promised from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part to be the best woman/wife I could be.  

There's no doubt in mind that I have tried to live by those rules, but as with many couples, there have been moments where it's been more difficult than others to keep that sacred promise.  Ultimately, though, at the end of the day, I wouldn't change him for anybody else.  Kevin is all "right" and all "wrong" just the way I need him to be! 

So, now that I dragged you down memory lane - what was my point, you ask?

Sunday, October 7, 2012


I woke up at 4:30 Friday morning and jumped in the shower.  Then, I got dressed and headed out the door to teach one of my personal training clients at CrossFit Champions.  A blank slate.  That's what every morning is when I get out of bed.  The start of a new day.  The beginning of something new and better.  The potential to do anything; to change anything.  OR it can be just another same old, same old.  Essentially, it's UP TO ME.

Friday, I PR'ed at my split jerk by 20 pounds!!! Outstanding!  I couldn't have done it without my fellow CFC staff members, though.  My coach/friend, Matt Munson posted a video on Facebook because we were THAT proud. Click below to see the video.

Friday afternoon was fun-filled and C-R-A-Z-Y!!! SUPER COOL way to start the weekend...

First, we introduced a new tradition: CFC Staff only WOD!  Totally AWESOME.  What a beautiful way to unite the coaches!  (I can totally see our competitive natures coming out in the near future, too)  

Then, CFC had a 24-day AdvoCare Challenge finale.  Results were through the roof...  Athletes and staff shared plenty of blood, sweat and laughs!  

Saturday morning was a breath of fresh air!  Staff meeting was invigorating.  CFC free Saturday was booming.  Last day of the 24-day Challenge was a success! 

And relax time... or so I thought... As I walk out of CFC, I get a fb message from CF Cypress that there is a spot that opened up for the Oly Weightlifting Clinic with Ursula Garza!!!!  NO WAY!!! 

After three hours with Ursula... I jumped in my car and raced home to sign up for the Oly Cert in March in Austin with Ursula!!! I can not believe how much I learned about the SNATCH this weekend between my coach, Matt Munson and Ursula Garza, a Level 5 Olympic Weighlifting Coach.  WOW!!!!!!

And at the end of all that, it was incredibly comforting to sit down and relax with my amazing family of 8!! (My husband; Kevin, my gorgeous kids; Jonathan, Maria, Kora, Luca and my totally "can't live without" dogs; Izzy & Leia....

Monday, September 24, 2012


A little over a week ago, I was asked by an athlete at CFC, "How far along are you?"...  Uncertain of what I was being asked, I stared at this person with a bizarre look on my face and they proceeded to use their hand to contour my belly with the intentions of suggesting a baby bump!  Needless to say, I was, without a doubt, flabbergasted because (1) I am NOT pregnant (2) I am NOT pregnant AND (3) I am NOT pregnant! 

So, why am I sharing this totally embaressing piece of information with all of you?!?!?  I gained 7 measly pounds, and it showed up in my belly... and I wasn't doing anything about it.

That comment helped me look in the mirror and be honest with myself.  It whipped me into shape, literally... Because it made me take a step back and remember that I am an icon at my place of employment.  Think about it...  Every single day, people are looking up to me for information on how to be better, stronger, leaner, faster, etc...  So, naturally, regardless of intentions, I am scrutinized on an hourly basis!  People are watching my every move, they are listening to every breath I take and every word I say and using that to form decisions about their next very own move in life!  And you know what?  There's absolutely nothing wrong with that!  It makes sense.  Actually, I'm honored that I may actually impact people in such a way.

The next question I asked myself was:

How can any of you, my athletes and/or people in my entourage, feel confident about something I say or do, if I am not doing as I say??

(SIDE NOTE: Just recently, I have been going through this in our home, too.  A recurring topic of conversation between my husband and I has been discussing exactly HOW important it is to have our children SEE us do what we want them to do and not just tell them what they need to be doing.)

Sooooo.... what happened with me?  Well, that's easy.  I'm human.  I'm not perfect.  And you know what?  that's OK!  What is NOT OK, is dwelling about it....

What I want to share is that this wasn't just a 7 pound weight gain... this was an emotional roller coaster, too!  (and this happens to the best of us.)  While I was enjoying my ice cream and chocolate on a daily basis (lol) I wasn't just consistently feeding my body unnecessary sugars that were ultimately making me fat and sluggish and everything else that CRAPPY foods do to our bodies, I was losing myself in this vicious circle of BAD.  My training suffered, my mood suffered and my overall world was suffering - everything just seemed off...  Seems a little drastic and unbelievable?  Maybe.. but it's true.  I started wondering if I should continue with this or that... I was questioning aspects of my life that I really had no business questioning!  ... ultimately, ALL BECAUSE OF POOR FOOD CHOICES!  

Crazy as it may sound, I had a "talk" with my Coach and we decided that I was going to change my behavior NOW.  It was seriously as easy as that.  He said, "Starting right now, this all ends.  Right?" ... and he didn't wait for me to reply, he simply said,  "Right."  And I did.  And I still am.  and I'm now getting my WOD's in and preparing for Oktoberfest Obliteration IV even if it means that I do it alone at the box whenever I can fit it in.  I am not making excuses anymore.  That stump has been stepped on and squished.  Three weeks ago, I let life get in the way.  Any excuse was good enough for me.

One underlying factor reminded me that it's never too late...