Monday, July 16, 2012


"Success doesn't come to you.  You go to it."
~Marva Collins 

In order to explain where my head is at, I feel like I must rewind back to the beginning.  When I started this blog, I sorta jumped right in without giving a detailed background about myself.  I feel like we all need to get re-acquainted...

A little while ago, I wrote a summary about myself and my journey thus far in my life...  Turns out, it's the perfect introduction ABOUT ME.  

My name is Denise Pomaski and I’m 31 years old.  I’m, first and foremost, a stay at home mother to 4 young children (5, if you count my husband who never really aged a day over the age of five (haha)).
Anyway, I’ve always been health conscious and somewhat of an active person.  After my first pregnancy at the age of 25, I sort of turned off that light and became much more sedentary.
About 6 months after my youngest was born (he’s now just about 3) I decided it was to time to get my life back on track. 
This past fall, I was introduced to a CrossFit class that Matt & Pam Munson were teaching at Ground Dwellers Brazilian Jiu Jitsu  and I LOVED IT!!!  I started full time at CrossFitChampions the first week of November.  It was hard but I was definitely up for the challenge! 
So as I continued doing my WOD’s at CrossFit Champions, I kept getting up early on the weekends every to go for a run.  Within a few more weeks at CFC, I found a confidence in me I never had before.   And just like that (or so it felt)…   I could run that same 3 miles I had been huffing and puffing through without walking! 
From that point on, I started running 2-4 times per week.  So, I started running in December 2011 with a 10+ minute mile and my last 10K I completed in 52:01 minutes which is a pace of about 8.22 min/mile.  How exhilarating!!
 I couldn’t be more impressed with the stamina and perseverance that CrossFit has given me.  I truly believe that it is because of CrossFit that I am able to see such remarkable results.   The constantly varied high intensity functional movement training that CrossFit offers has a huge impact on my overall running performance and it doesn’t start and stop there!
CrossFit has most definitely been a life altering experience for me.  It’s not only the WOD’s that have made me stronger and better…  but the people I train with and the trainers that teach me at CrossFit Champions.  From Day 1, everyone around me has helped me and motivated me and they still do!  It’s most definitely the greatest feeling on earth when your peers are egging you on to succeed.
More so, I believe that Matt and Pam Munson have been truly inspirational in my road to SUCCESS.   I am extremely thankful to have met them and to have them train me and support me through my journey of life and fitness. 
Oh and what’s more, since starting CrossFit, I have lost the unwanted 15 pounds that I have been struggling to lose ever since I gave birth to my first born 7 years ago.  My “core” is the smallest, tightest, strongest and best looking it has EVER been and my arms, legs, butt are all changing and developing in ways I never imagined for myself!  

Easter 2012

Easter 2011

Since I wrote this "story", there are so many more exciting things that have happened!  For one, I became a CrossFit Champions coach!  Two, my husband joined CFC and we participated in a 24-Day Challenge that rocked our box!  This challenge was another fine example of how the definition of SUCCESS varies from person to person.  Throughout the 24 days, many aspects of nutrition and exercise were visited.   Probably the most interesting and fundamental thing was the realization of HOW important the kinds of foods we put in our bodies contribute to a persons overall goals.

So...  I promised you a BEFORE...

 and AFTER pics...

Who doesn't want to be able to do this?
So much fun!!!


My overall body weight and body fat percentage was higher than when I started because, MY GOAL was to increase overall performance by being STRONGER & FASTER.   (The deal was that every CFC athlete that participated in the Challenge did a WOD)

3 rounds for time:
300m run
9 thrusters
12 pull ups
15 box jumps

We did this WOD both BEFORE & AFTER the 24 Day-Challenge started and ended. 

Next, take my husband.  We live in the same house.  We eat the same foods.  I mean, I cook his meals, for crying out loud!!!  I prepped his lunches and snacks throughout the entire 24-Day Challenge!!! ...and our STATS were completely different.

Here are Kevin's BEFORE & AFTERS....

Kevin's STATS

Weight loss: 10.6 lbs
Body fat % loss: 10.4%

Overall performance:
1:30 FASTER!!

"Action is the foundational key to all success" ~Pablo Picasso

"Always remember that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing." ~Abraham Lincoln

*Success is in the eye of the beholder*
...and is SPECIFIC TO YOU.

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