Wednesday, July 25, 2012


How well do you really know yourself?

I know I'm testing the waters when I throw a question like that out there, but I found out a lot about myself over the weekend that I want to share.

I competed in the CrossFit Houston's Women's As Rx Challenge this past Saturday.  My first ever CrossFit Competition and it was fierce!  That being said, let's just say that I walked into the idea of this challenge as a loser.  "I know, I know..." that sounds terrible, but it's the truth.  I made an impulsive decision, signed up to the competition (without thinking it through) and then, when I was given the opportunity to back out, I refused to look like a wimp.  

Did I believe that I was ready to compete in a 'as Rx' Challenge?  ABSOLUTELY NOT.  

But I did.

The Challenge consisted of 4 WOD's:
  1. For time - x3: 10 Front Squat (95#), 50 Double Unders + 60m Crocodile walk (before & after).
  2. 200m sprint/2 Rope Climbs/10 Lateral Burpees/Max Hang Power Clean (125#) in the remaining time
  3. For time: 20m 100# Vertical Keg Carry/2-100# Sandbag ground to shoulder/20m Horizontal Keg Carry
  4. 30-55# KettleBell Swings/30 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull/Max Calorie (Air Dyne) in remaining time
The top 5 finishers went on to the fifth and final WOD for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place.

At first, the 28 other women intimidated me... I still wonder if i would have stayed had my friend/fellow trainer, Shannan Roberts, not been there with me.  At about 8am we were called together and the competition had officially begun!

SURPRISE!!!  60m Crocodile Walk x2

Boy oh boy!  What a turn of events!  I was not expecting an EXTRA!!



I gave it everything I had, but it just wasn't enough to complete the WOD before the clock stopped!  What a let down.  Not a very encouraging way to begin this UP hill journey.  I know now that I must re-learn the jump rope.  Had my technique been on par, I would not have been totally & utterly depleted after my 1st round.  I know that I gave it everything I had to give and that I should not have been so hard on myself.  My ego was crushed in about 10 minutes.  I never knew I had an ego until that moment. What a sense of appeasement.  A weight was lifted off my shoulders.  Whoa!



I didn't get further than the rope climb.  I came in FIRST from the run and then I met the nylon rope.  Matt Ledbetter taught me how to climb the hemp rope at CFC the day before.  It was most definitely fatiguing, but I succeeded.  I was mentally and physically prepared for Mr. Rope.  Then, I met Mr. Nylon.  A whole new set of rules.  And I could not complete 2 Rope Climbs.  Three days later, this still maddens me.  I should have been able to complete the task... Grrrr!  But I did not put my tail between my legs when "Time" was shouted out...  No sir!  I walked away from the WOD with my head up HIGH.  



MY REDEMPTION!  Out of the 5 women in my heat, I came in 1st place.  1:07min
I couldn't have been happier.  I'm still happy.  What a feeling of accomplishment!!  There's nothing better than to know that you were the best at something.  At the time, I was convinced that I needed this "win" psychologically to stay motivated and keep me in the game, so to speak... BUT, I realize now that I was motivated the whole time!  WOD#3 just allowed ME to see it in ME.. make sense?


What can I say?  I was totally impressed with my success in this final WOD.  I didn't even finish it! Never made it passed the KB Swings..  So, why am I super stoked about it?  that's easy.  The heaviest kettle bell I'd ever held in my hands before the competition was 40 pounds.  On Saturday, July 21st, I completed, as Rx, 30 - 55# KB Swings!  If that's not something to be proud of, I don't know what is.  Sitting back writing this, it upsets me that I was ever impressed or astounded by my successes...  I had it in me.  I always have it in me.  We all do.  It's about believing in yourself.  Trusting you.  Knowing you.  Of course, we all have limitations, but most of the time, it is our minds that STOP progression, not our bodies. 


So, as I look back on this day, I have a few underlying thoughts that I think stand out the most and I quote myself:
“Today, I learned that “As RX” is not something to be taken lightly.  It’s extremely hardcore.  I have a lot of respect for all the women who competed today.  As for me, well, I did all that I could do.  I put forth my best efforts.  I stumbled upon A GREAT MANY firsts, today.  And for the most part, I succeeded!  I may not have completed all WOD’s, but I still PR’d at almost every new movement.  The Ledbetters played a significant part in my achievements today.  As well as, Shannan Roberts, who stuck by my side the entire day and my poor husband who courageously brought our four rugrats to the competition to cheer me on.  Ultimately, today was a super cool, super fun learning experience.  I met a lot of really nice women, too.  The CrossFit community is truly an exceptionally friendly and encouraging group of people!!!

With that, I'd like to leave you all with this one idea...

I signed up, I showed up, I put forth my best efforts in an unknown place, with people I did not know and using unknown materials.  On Saturday, I reached personal records!  There is no shame in anything I did or did not do that day.  ONLY HONOR.  


  1. Great read! There's nothing like a little friendly competition to help push you past the boundaries your mind has created for itself. Sounds like it was an awesome experience!
