Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Rules of life (Part 1)

There are certain rules I follow on a day to day basis, that don't change, no matter the situation.  One of those rules is to eat right.  Believe it or not, (and it took me a long time to figure out just how important this is) if I don't take care of myself, NOTHING else functions the way it should in my life.

  1. Eat right.  What does that mean?  Only feed your body food that "fuels" it and helps it grow.  Trust your body.  Listen to it.  Then, give it the proper nutrition it asks you for.  So, what is proper nutrition?  Well, I have a motto I live by that, I believe, answers this question.\

Eat real, unprocessed food, as close to nature as possible,
and listen to your body.
Pretend the modern supermarket doesn't exist. 
Choose foods that could be grown, hunted, or gathered -
nothing packaged or processed (or as little as possible).
Eat animals, marine life, vegetables, nuts, seeds and fruits. 
Eat plenty of healthy fats from pastured animals, fish, coconut, avocado, olives,
and cold-pressed oils.
Incorporate traditional, nutrient-dense foods.

The very first step I took to eating right was registering for Crossfit Champions Nutrition seminar.  (So, the very first thing anyone must do AFTER reading my blog is to sign up for a FREE  NUTRITION CLINIC.  You don't have to be a member of CFC - ANYONE can register!)

Matt Munson sure knows how to explain it all!*

Next, I cleaned out my pantry.  That's right, I walked in with a big black garbage bag and threw away all the foods that did not meet the guidelines above (minus a few items that my husband & I agreed our children could continue eating.)

Breakfast was the biggest adjustment for me.  Cereal was my staple food 6 out of 7 mornings! (Check out The Paleo Diet for more details)
At first, eggs every morning sounded sort of much and didn't really appeal to me.  I think it was the idea that eggs are supposed to be bad for me.  Didn't take too long for that to change, though.  Let's just say that, now, breakfast, which was once my most boring meal of the day, has become the yummiest! 

Here's an example of an egg-licious breakfast at the Pomaski household:

It starts with some fresh veggies...

.. and some good ol' YWF uncured bacon (checkout my previous blog post for the best bacon ever recipe)

... and, of course, let's not forget the Yonder Way Farm EGGS!

Add some berries to the mix and TADA!  One delicioso breakfast.  Bon Apetito!

* A few handy suggestions:
  • Make a big batch, so that for the rest of the week you can simply grab a cup full of pre-made sauteed veggies and throw them into your eggs!
  •  You can switch up the bacon with Italian sausage or ham.  (YWF offers these, too)
  • Add veggies from the night before
Curious about lunch? 
Go ahead and "follow me" to make sure you don't miss out on my next blog!

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