Wednesday, July 25, 2012


How well do you really know yourself?

I know I'm testing the waters when I throw a question like that out there, but I found out a lot about myself over the weekend that I want to share.

I competed in the CrossFit Houston's Women's As Rx Challenge this past Saturday.  My first ever CrossFit Competition and it was fierce!  That being said, let's just say that I walked into the idea of this challenge as a loser.  "I know, I know..." that sounds terrible, but it's the truth.  I made an impulsive decision, signed up to the competition (without thinking it through) and then, when I was given the opportunity to back out, I refused to look like a wimp.  

Did I believe that I was ready to compete in a 'as Rx' Challenge?  ABSOLUTELY NOT.  

But I did.

The Challenge consisted of 4 WOD's:
  1. For time - x3: 10 Front Squat (95#), 50 Double Unders + 60m Crocodile walk (before & after).
  2. 200m sprint/2 Rope Climbs/10 Lateral Burpees/Max Hang Power Clean (125#) in the remaining time
  3. For time: 20m 100# Vertical Keg Carry/2-100# Sandbag ground to shoulder/20m Horizontal Keg Carry
  4. 30-55# KettleBell Swings/30 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull/Max Calorie (Air Dyne) in remaining time
The top 5 finishers went on to the fifth and final WOD for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place.

At first, the 28 other women intimidated me... I still wonder if i would have stayed had my friend/fellow trainer, Shannan Roberts, not been there with me.  At about 8am we were called together and the competition had officially begun!

SURPRISE!!!  60m Crocodile Walk x2

Boy oh boy!  What a turn of events!  I was not expecting an EXTRA!!



I gave it everything I had, but it just wasn't enough to complete the WOD before the clock stopped!  What a let down.  Not a very encouraging way to begin this UP hill journey.  I know now that I must re-learn the jump rope.  Had my technique been on par, I would not have been totally & utterly depleted after my 1st round.  I know that I gave it everything I had to give and that I should not have been so hard on myself.  My ego was crushed in about 10 minutes.  I never knew I had an ego until that moment. What a sense of appeasement.  A weight was lifted off my shoulders.  Whoa!



I didn't get further than the rope climb.  I came in FIRST from the run and then I met the nylon rope.  Matt Ledbetter taught me how to climb the hemp rope at CFC the day before.  It was most definitely fatiguing, but I succeeded.  I was mentally and physically prepared for Mr. Rope.  Then, I met Mr. Nylon.  A whole new set of rules.  And I could not complete 2 Rope Climbs.  Three days later, this still maddens me.  I should have been able to complete the task... Grrrr!  But I did not put my tail between my legs when "Time" was shouted out...  No sir!  I walked away from the WOD with my head up HIGH.  



MY REDEMPTION!  Out of the 5 women in my heat, I came in 1st place.  1:07min
I couldn't have been happier.  I'm still happy.  What a feeling of accomplishment!!  There's nothing better than to know that you were the best at something.  At the time, I was convinced that I needed this "win" psychologically to stay motivated and keep me in the game, so to speak... BUT, I realize now that I was motivated the whole time!  WOD#3 just allowed ME to see it in ME.. make sense?


What can I say?  I was totally impressed with my success in this final WOD.  I didn't even finish it! Never made it passed the KB Swings..  So, why am I super stoked about it?  that's easy.  The heaviest kettle bell I'd ever held in my hands before the competition was 40 pounds.  On Saturday, July 21st, I completed, as Rx, 30 - 55# KB Swings!  If that's not something to be proud of, I don't know what is.  Sitting back writing this, it upsets me that I was ever impressed or astounded by my successes...  I had it in me.  I always have it in me.  We all do.  It's about believing in yourself.  Trusting you.  Knowing you.  Of course, we all have limitations, but most of the time, it is our minds that STOP progression, not our bodies. 


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Food (Part 2)

When I think of dinner, I often shutter at the thought of "...what to make yet again..." without it being the same old thing.  The introduction of Paleo has given me the "kick" I needed to spice up my recipes, give them a twist and find different less common foods to introduce to our palates.  

I wanted to complete my introduction to a ONE day BREAKFAST/LUNCH/DINNER meal plan that I started with BREAKFAST in a prior blog called Rules of life (Part 1) continued with LUNCH in a more recent blog named Independence Day and now, DINNER.

Yonder Way Farm Beef Tenderloin with Sauteed Green Beans & Grilled Eggplants

Ingredients (Serves 2-4)
For Beef:              YWF Beef Tenderloin
                           1 tbsp Grey Poupon mustard
                           approx 2tsp coconut amino's
                           approx 2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
                           Montreal Steak spice
For Green Beans:   1 bag french green beans (haricots verts)
                            olive oil
                            3 cloves garlic, sliced
                            sea salt & black pepper, to taste
For Eggplant:         1 medium size eggplant (firm)
                            coconut oil
                            sea salt & black pepper, to taste


  1. Marinate beef tenderloin and put aside.  Set grill to HIGH. 
  2. Rinse green beans thoroughly and cut off ends.  Place in steamer and set element to HIGH.
  3. Peel eggplant.  Cut off ends.  Cut across ways to make circular shaped slices about 1/4 in thickness (or as desired).  Scatter slices in platter and drizzle coconut oil generously.  Season with sea salt & pepper.
  4. Place fillets on grill and cook for approximately 7 minutes each side (for rare meat).  Flip only once.  When you flip meat, place eggplant directly on the grill and cook until meat is ready or eggplant pieces become translucent and somewhat crispy.
  5. Remove greens from steamer when tender and drizzle with olive oil, garlic slices and salt & pepper.
  6. Finally, sit down with a fork & a knife & ENJOY!

"At home,  I serve the kind of food I know the story behind."

In our house, I try to buy, as much as possible, from a reliable source.  It isn't always easy, actually for most foods, it's actually pretty difficult and quite inconvenient.  Though when it comes to our meats, eggs and dairy, I am very proud to say that we buy from wonderful people who take pride in what they do and care about their customers.  They even deliver!


"I take a vitamin every day.  It's called a steak."

~Leo Benevenuti & Steve Rudnick


Monday, July 16, 2012


"Success doesn't come to you.  You go to it."
~Marva Collins 

In order to explain where my head is at, I feel like I must rewind back to the beginning.  When I started this blog, I sorta jumped right in without giving a detailed background about myself.  I feel like we all need to get re-acquainted...

A little while ago, I wrote a summary about myself and my journey thus far in my life...  Turns out, it's the perfect introduction ABOUT ME.  

My name is Denise Pomaski and I’m 31 years old.  I’m, first and foremost, a stay at home mother to 4 young children (5, if you count my husband who never really aged a day over the age of five (haha)).
Anyway, I’ve always been health conscious and somewhat of an active person.  After my first pregnancy at the age of 25, I sort of turned off that light and became much more sedentary.
About 6 months after my youngest was born (he’s now just about 3) I decided it was to time to get my life back on track. 
This past fall, I was introduced to a CrossFit class that Matt & Pam Munson were teaching at Ground Dwellers Brazilian Jiu Jitsu  and I LOVED IT!!!  I started full time at CrossFitChampions the first week of November.  It was hard but I was definitely up for the challenge! 
So as I continued doing my WOD’s at CrossFit Champions, I kept getting up early on the weekends every to go for a run.  Within a few more weeks at CFC, I found a confidence in me I never had before.   And just like that (or so it felt)…   I could run that same 3 miles I had been huffing and puffing through without walking! 
From that point on, I started running 2-4 times per week.  So, I started running in December 2011 with a 10+ minute mile and my last 10K I completed in 52:01 minutes which is a pace of about 8.22 min/mile.  How exhilarating!!
 I couldn’t be more impressed with the stamina and perseverance that CrossFit has given me.  I truly believe that it is because of CrossFit that I am able to see such remarkable results.   The constantly varied high intensity functional movement training that CrossFit offers has a huge impact on my overall running performance and it doesn’t start and stop there!
CrossFit has most definitely been a life altering experience for me.  It’s not only the WOD’s that have made me stronger and better…  but the people I train with and the trainers that teach me at CrossFit Champions.  From Day 1, everyone around me has helped me and motivated me and they still do!  It’s most definitely the greatest feeling on earth when your peers are egging you on to succeed.
More so, I believe that Matt and Pam Munson have been truly inspirational in my road to SUCCESS.   I am extremely thankful to have met them and to have them train me and support me through my journey of life and fitness. 
Oh and what’s more, since starting CrossFit, I have lost the unwanted 15 pounds that I have been struggling to lose ever since I gave birth to my first born 7 years ago.  My “core” is the smallest, tightest, strongest and best looking it has EVER been and my arms, legs, butt are all changing and developing in ways I never imagined for myself!  

Easter 2012

Easter 2011

Since I wrote this "story", there are so many more exciting things that have happened!  For one, I became a CrossFit Champions coach!  Two, my husband joined CFC and we participated in a 24-Day Challenge that rocked our box!  This challenge was another fine example of how the definition of SUCCESS varies from person to person.  Throughout the 24 days, many aspects of nutrition and exercise were visited.   Probably the most interesting and fundamental thing was the realization of HOW important the kinds of foods we put in our bodies contribute to a persons overall goals.

So...  I promised you a BEFORE...

 and AFTER pics...

Who doesn't want to be able to do this?
So much fun!!!


My overall body weight and body fat percentage was higher than when I started because, MY GOAL was to increase overall performance by being STRONGER & FASTER.   (The deal was that every CFC athlete that participated in the Challenge did a WOD)

3 rounds for time:
300m run
9 thrusters
12 pull ups
15 box jumps

We did this WOD both BEFORE & AFTER the 24 Day-Challenge started and ended. 

Next, take my husband.  We live in the same house.  We eat the same foods.  I mean, I cook his meals, for crying out loud!!!  I prepped his lunches and snacks throughout the entire 24-Day Challenge!!! ...and our STATS were completely different.

Here are Kevin's BEFORE & AFTERS....

Kevin's STATS

Weight loss: 10.6 lbs
Body fat % loss: 10.4%

Overall performance:
1:30 FASTER!!

"Action is the foundational key to all success" ~Pablo Picasso

"Always remember that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing." ~Abraham Lincoln

*Success is in the eye of the beholder*
...and is SPECIFIC TO YOU.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The best Paleo cookie ever

It's ALWAYS OK to treat ourselves to a delicious treat - and when we can keep it "clean" - it's even better!

Props to Regan McKinney Jacks for a neat addition to these scrumptiously delectable Primal Palate chocolate chip cookies that my daughters & I made this dreary Sunday afternoon!



  1. Preheat oven to 375°F.
  2. In a medium-sized mixing bowl combine dry ingredients.
  3. In a small mixing bowl beat eggs, maple syrup, and vanilla extract with a hand mixer.
  4. Pour wet ingredients into dry and beat with hand mixer until combined.
  5. Melt coconut oil, pour into batter, and continue to blend until combined.
  6. * Add 1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder
  7. Stir in chocolate chips.
  8. On a parchment-lined baking sheet, drop balls of cookie dough, about a tablespoon in size.
  9. Bake for 15 minutes.
  10. Let cool and serve with coconut milk.
*Regan's addition

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Independence Day

I'm Canadian.  Born and raised.  I met my husband the Summer of 2000 in New Jersey.  The United States has pretty much been in my life since.

Every 4th of July, I have mixed feelings on what I am celebrating... Don't get the wrong idea. Not skeptical of it's worth, but of my place.
This is ME representing "red, white and blue"

 July 4th, 2012 started off with a personal training session at 7am at CFC.  I decided that the number 4 would be written all over the WOD, so I made it a long one.  Mark whooped it's butt with his son on the sidelines, watching anxiously.  The perfect beginning to this year's Independence Day.  (Representing A New Beginning for me).

But, that wasn't the last of CrossFit Champions for the day.  We, all the CFC trainers & athletes, had a date with WOD 1776 "Independence Day" on this 4th of July. 
 7 rounds for time:
1000 lbs moved from ground to overhead
700m (run or row - any combination)
46 squats
30 push ups

To put it simply, using CFCMatt's wise words "That was a great holiday WOD!" said no one ever.  LOL.  (But there isn't one of us who would have missed it for the world)

The cut-off time was 60 minutes.  With some minor modifications, I completed the WOD in 59:46.  Although, I most definitely busted my butt through the entire workout, I have to admit that it is because of Maryland (from Matt M.'s 5am class) that I believe I completed the WOD and with my head high.  After running 400m into ROUND 5, I strolled passed Maryland with a look on my face of what I can only imagine was total reluctance.  And with a great big voice, she yelled at me,
"Don't give up now, you've been my inspiration through all of this!"
Well... how does someone not just jump up and give it everything they've got??? Which is exactly what I did.  So... THANK YOU, Maryland.  Because of you, I finished the WOD and with pride.

We finished off the day celebrating with friends.  Good food, great fun, big laughs.  Then, later that night when pj's were on and the lights were out - we enjoyed some fireworks right in front of our home, that my husband ran out to get, at the last minute.  We can thank good ol' Texas for the convenience of that.

All in all, what a perfect way to celebrate a splendid holiday in a country that I should be calling "my own".

And with that, I'd like to leave you with a simple, yummy recipe that we called LUNCH yesterday.

4th of July BBQ  (sorry, no pics - but, take my word for it, it sure was delectable)

Grilled chicken kabobs

4 organic, grass-fed chicken breast (Check out Yonder Way Farm)
1 heaping tbsp grey poupon
Coconut aminos
Worcestershire sauce
Montreal Chicken spice
5-6 metal skewers
  1. Cut chicken breast into strips.
  2. Marinate chicken breast with above ingredients.
  3. Place 2-3 strips on metal skewers
  4. Grill on BBQ for 15 minutes (approximately 7.5 min each side - preheat your grill to HIGH, dropping heat to about 3/4 when you begin to cook)

Sweet Potato Fries

1-2 large sweet potatoes
2-3 tbsp Coconut oil
Sea salt, to taste
Baking sheet
Parchment paper
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Peel sweet potatoes.
  3. Cut potato in half & then julienne style (thin long strips)
  4. Place, on baking sheet lined with parchment paper, side-by-side
  5. Cook about 18 minutes or until browned.

Vegetable kabobs

Zucchini Squash
Portabella mushrooms
Red onion
Bell peppers (red, yellow, orange are the sweeter of the bell peppers)
(any other delectable veggie will do, too)
Coconut oil
Balsamic vinegar
Sea salt, to taste
5-6 skewers

  1. Rinse veggies thoroughly.  Pat dry.
  2. Chop veggies to desired thickness.
  3. Place on skewer in a pattern scheme such as zucchini squash, mushroom, onion, eggplant, pepper & start again)
  4. Drizzle coconut oil and balsamic vinegar on veggies.  Add salt, to taste.
  5. Grill on BBQ for about 12-15 minutes (cook simultaneously with chicken).  When tips start to burn, place on top rack of BBQ until meat is ready to serve.

... and for DESSERT...

Dark Chocolate covered Bacon

1-2 bars, 70% or more Dark Chocolate (I like to use Ghirardelli baking chocolate)
YWF uncured bacon
baking sheet
parchment paper

  1. Broil bacon (please see Best bacon ever recipe on my recent blog post Food)
  2. Melt baking chocolate (follow directions as per chocolate bar)
  3. Cut bacon strips into 1.5-2 inch pieces. Pat dry.
  4. Dip bacon pieces (one by one) into chocolate using a spoon or fork. (Make sure bacon is room temperature)
  5. Place chocolate covered bacon onto parchment paper
  6. Place baking sheet in refrigerator for about 10-15 minutes.
  7. Put chocolate covered bacon into a dish and SERVE.

Until next year...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Rules of life (Part 1)

There are certain rules I follow on a day to day basis, that don't change, no matter the situation.  One of those rules is to eat right.  Believe it or not, (and it took me a long time to figure out just how important this is) if I don't take care of myself, NOTHING else functions the way it should in my life.

  1. Eat right.  What does that mean?  Only feed your body food that "fuels" it and helps it grow.  Trust your body.  Listen to it.  Then, give it the proper nutrition it asks you for.  So, what is proper nutrition?  Well, I have a motto I live by that, I believe, answers this question.\

Eat real, unprocessed food, as close to nature as possible,
and listen to your body.
Pretend the modern supermarket doesn't exist. 
Choose foods that could be grown, hunted, or gathered -
nothing packaged or processed (or as little as possible).
Eat animals, marine life, vegetables, nuts, seeds and fruits. 
Eat plenty of healthy fats from pastured animals, fish, coconut, avocado, olives,
and cold-pressed oils.
Incorporate traditional, nutrient-dense foods.

The very first step I took to eating right was registering for Crossfit Champions Nutrition seminar.  (So, the very first thing anyone must do AFTER reading my blog is to sign up for a FREE  NUTRITION CLINIC.  You don't have to be a member of CFC - ANYONE can register!)

Matt Munson sure knows how to explain it all!*

Next, I cleaned out my pantry.  That's right, I walked in with a big black garbage bag and threw away all the foods that did not meet the guidelines above (minus a few items that my husband & I agreed our children could continue eating.)

Breakfast was the biggest adjustment for me.  Cereal was my staple food 6 out of 7 mornings! (Check out The Paleo Diet for more details)
At first, eggs every morning sounded sort of much and didn't really appeal to me.  I think it was the idea that eggs are supposed to be bad for me.  Didn't take too long for that to change, though.  Let's just say that, now, breakfast, which was once my most boring meal of the day, has become the yummiest! 

Here's an example of an egg-licious breakfast at the Pomaski household:

It starts with some fresh veggies...

.. and some good ol' YWF uncured bacon (checkout my previous blog post for the best bacon ever recipe)

... and, of course, let's not forget the Yonder Way Farm EGGS!

Add some berries to the mix and TADA!  One delicioso breakfast.  Bon Apetito!

* A few handy suggestions:
  • Make a big batch, so that for the rest of the week you can simply grab a cup full of pre-made sauteed veggies and throw them into your eggs!
  •  You can switch up the bacon with Italian sausage or ham.  (YWF offers these, too)
  • Add veggies from the night before